Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
...Uhmm Today I want to spent some Money...
Posted by jlhmetalic at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Everything is On Sale...
Posted by jlhmetalic at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Less Money for an IMac
Apple recently has launched the new re-design for IMac (all in one) and Mac book laptop including a handful of updates peripherals and the inovating multitouch mouse.
The big changes for the IMac are in its material instead aluminum and poly-carbon the new models come in aluminum and edge to edge glass taking a similar look as Apple's line Macbook Pro laptops. Its size will be 21.5 in and 27 in with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The prices for these newborns vary between $ 1.199 (21.5 in) and $ 1.699 (27 in). However Apple will offer a step-up models for each screen size at $1.499 (21.5 in) and $1.999 (27 in).
For the Mac Book also some changes have been made, even when the 13 in MacBook remains the same price the big change is that bring a new unibody chassis which means that the battery is no longer removable. As a part of Apple's new invention is the wireless Magic mouse, this innovation has the ability to work as a pad on Apple's laptops.
However, costumers would think that these new gagets will not help the economy but is incorrect Apple keeps a low margin sub $1000 market in laptops.
Posted by jlhmetalic at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
More stress Worse is the Job
However, what if I want to be a medical surgeon and I want that people call me Doc or Doctor. That would be great but I don't think that I'll go for that, just to think that in my hands are people's live, that a mistake that I do cant send this people to the other side. And even the pay is to good around $ 230.000 starting.
I don't think that i would be a surgeon No for the money nor for the name. I think that to be a surgeon, president or someone in a high position he/she should know that the pressure is also high and that a mistake cant cost the life itself.
Posted by jlhmetalic at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Now Hiring ?
Posted by jlhmetalic at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Posted by jlhmetalic at 12:16 PM 0 comments
More Miles per pound
After Ups and Downs with the price of oil during the beginning of the new millennium, that brought us as a result the War on Terror in my "personal Opinion", the invasion of Iraq and more troops going to the middle east. I have understood that America is one of the countries that depend its economy based in oil,petroleum,gasoline. However, America like in other countries that depend on oil have started to develop new technologies to be more independent of it, like the car industry which has been suffered a lot in the recent recession.
Big companies like GM, Ford and Chrysler have had to cut personnel and as a result of this crisis, simply because people are buying cheaper cars. However, Honda and GM have started to develop new technologies to save money for the costumers and be more independent of the use of gasoline in their cars. They have beginning to built NGV Cars (natural gas vehicles). In America there are more than 130.000 NGV mostly buses, but the idea is to spread to the general public.
This NGV cars comparing to the gasoline base cars are more efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership also Compressed Natural gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless.
Posted by jlhmetalic at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
From the grill to the Steam

Posted by jlhmetalic at 1:09 PM 0 comments