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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jack Bauer or kiefer sutherland?

"24" the greatest ever TV series Fox has produced. It is unbelievable how this series has captured the public not only in America but around the world reaching countries, culture and different languages. As addition to the story the main star Jack Bauer has captured the emotions of the audience. Because his heroic talents to save the world many times.However, Jack Bauer is only a personification
of a role, but how about when kiefer wants to be just a regular person outside the studios, live his normal life and be who he is and not being personalized as a character. Well this constantly happen to him, when he walks for the streets and runs in the park. He is frequently attacked by photographers, paparazzi, and regular people that want him to be Jack Bauer in his personal life. I think that everybody should admire his role in 24 but also respect his personal life outside his job.