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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sweet Killer

Amanda Knox an American college student was charged for murdering her housemate Meredith Kercher with a kitchen knife. Everything began when Amanda is her house with two more guys, her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito and Rudy Guede, according with the investigations the day of the murder, Amanda and her criminal crew were high on drugs and drinking alcohol. Then Ms Kercher arrived to the house because she was out with some of her friends, when Amanda saw her in the house, she invited her to join "the party" and proposed to Ms Kercher to have a sex group. Of course Ms Kercher flatly refused the proposal and this unleashed the fury of Amanda. Possessed by rage Amanda grabbed a knife a cut the throat of Ms Kercher with help of her boyfriend and Mr Guede.
Amanda Knox according to the jury was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to 26 years of prison, also her boyfriend Mr, Sollecito was sentenced to 24 years of prison and Mr, Guede was sentenced 30 years of prison for sexual assault and murder.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fear, Horror and death

Around 1:30 P.M.Fort Hood, Texas a big moment of terror touched the people's live that live in the military base, when a gun man with two automatic guns opened fire to his colleagues killing 12 people and wounded 31 and himself. The author of this massacre was identified as Major, Nidal Malik Hassan, he was born in Maryland and since he was a teenager he told his parents to enlist to the army and serve his country. But when Major Hassan knew about his deployed to Iraq everything changed. As a result he decided to make everything as possible to avoid to fight against his Muslims brothers and suffer the consequences of a post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the horror things the soldiers seen over there.

Useless Service

Michaele and Tareq Salahi, couple that showed up at the White House State without invitation, apparently this couple slipped multiple layers of security, however the secret service, that is in charge to protect our president did not do its job well.
Even though this couple did not want to harm the president, they just wanted to be seen it reflects that the president's security has a leak.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Capitalism vs Comuninism

When people during 1950's were asked about Capitalism they thought in United States and when they asked about Communism they thought in Soviet Union. Well this happened during the cold war, where these two countries fought one to another to impose its ideology. On one side of the coin Capitalism is about of economic system characterized by freedom of the market. This means that individuals have freedom with minimal government interference. On the other side Communism promotes and established a society based on common ownership which control the production and property in general.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Berlin wall at the end of 70s

From right to left:
  1. East Berlin
  2. Border area
  3. Backland wall
  4. Signal fence
  5. Different kind of barriers
  6. Watch towers
  7. Lighting system
  8. Column track
  9. Control track
  10. Anti-vehicle trenches
  11. Last wall, Known as the "Wall"
  12. Border
  13. West Berlin

Berline Mauer, (Berlin Wall)

August 13Th 1961 began the construction of the Berlin Wall, approximately the distance that the wall will divide Berlin was 160 km. Something impossible to build in one day, the first stage of the wall was a barbed wire fences. Then during the summer of 1961 the GDR army started to replace the temporary wall for a concrete blocks wall.

During the period of five years, the GDR army had built 25 km and 210 observation towers. This wall represented a symbolic boundary between Communism and democracy during the Cold war.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jack Bauer or kiefer sutherland?

"24" the greatest ever TV series Fox has produced. It is unbelievable how this series has captured the public not only in America but around the world reaching countries, culture and different languages. As addition to the story the main star Jack Bauer has captured the emotions of the audience. Because his heroic talents to save the world many times.However, Jack Bauer is only a personification
of a role, but how about when kiefer wants to be just a regular person outside the studios, live his normal life and be who he is and not being personalized as a character. Well this constantly happen to him, when he walks for the streets and runs in the park. He is frequently attacked by photographers, paparazzi, and regular people that want him to be Jack Bauer in his personal life. I think that everybody should admire his role in 24 but also respect his personal life outside his job.

no more Underground

Besides to be a great actor and receive many recognitions thru his career Kiefer Sutherland now is getting a new facet in his career as a music label promoter opening a record studio and a record label. This has been his dream with his friend Jude for over twenty years. The origin of this idea was basically to promote and open an avenue to the rock and roll bands they wanted to hear that wasn't be supported it by the commercial record labels.
In Kiefer's word during a interview he gave to an independent journalist " For younger artist trying to come up through the ranks, it was very hard"
Ironworks was opened in 2003 as a studio recording and the label with funds of Kiefer and his friend Jude, the target for for every year is to make three to four records a year and put those three to four records out with everything they got.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mayor Movies

Kiefer Sutherland is used to be to work in TV sets, theaters and little plays since he was 14 years old. Despite that Kiefer was raised in the acting field because of his dad and mom both well known artist.
He could open himself a brilliant career as a actor. In 1987 he star in "The Lost Boys" as a leader of a vampire gang also a year later he star "Young Guns I and II" a young rebels gang of outlaws. This movie made to Kiefer received an Western Heritage Award in 1989. As a result this two movies would mark his career and transform him to the big star that he is now.

Season 8 could be the last One?

As everyone was waiting Keifer Sutherland famously known as Jack Bauer returns to make his fans around the world happy. Filmed in New York city for this new season 24 promise to be excited as the last seasons. With a new Jack Bauer healed victim of a nuclear attack and more energetic as never been seeing showing his humble side as a grandfather and father. However, not forgetting his unrecognizable side to handle justice and make the criminals pay. This season 8 as many people say, it could be the last one for this character that has brought moments of desperation as moments of emotion and suspense. Well everything will be discover when 24 season 8 starts next January 2010.

The Deficit

According to the Congressional budget office the United States deficit reached $ 1.4 Trillion. This is the largest deficit the nation has had relative to the size of the economy since 1945. In Washington a clear explanation is that recession produce deficit. As a result the recession cause corporations to make less profit and individuals to earn less income, which at the end means less money for Uncle Sam or the government.

Military power is Not economic Power

There have been more than seven years that United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan but still there is not sign of the main target "Osama Bin Laden". Is well known that America's national security is safe but not as well as its economy. About $ 800 billion dollars in funds from taxpayers were spent or approved for spending in 2009 including $ 76 billion requested by President Obama and approved by Congress.
United States have completed a total of 124.000 troops as September 2009 while other nations have withdrawn their troops. A United States monthly spending in Iraq $ 7.3 Billion which mean $ 6.000 per second.
This is a battle that the Nation can not maintain anymore because the economy is bleeding as never before, million of people are jobless and the future doesn't look as clear as the government think.

Made in China

Is not unknown that America has increased its importations and has reduced its exportation's as a result that America is paying more for what is getting into the country instead for what is send out. America is consuming more products produce abroad than anybody else.
For example: the top two United States trade deficits from 2007 China $ 262 billion dollars and oil exporters $117 billion dollars.

America must reduce its consumption and increase its production of commodities. America is able and has the capacity to produce the very best products in the world. High productivity and educated workers.

This Aint a good Summer

By June 2009 America's fiscal situation didn't look good as the government wanted it to the take Americans out the recession. Instead the national debt burden made worse by the annual budget deficits approved by congress. This affects how the rest of the world see America as the world leading democracy.
Between 2001 and 2007 Unites States lost around 2.3 million jobs, including 1.5 million manufacturing jobs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No Money, no honey

Saturday, October 24, 2009

...Uhmm Today I want to spent some Money...

America is well known for its democracy, freedom of speech, military and also unfortunately how they spent their money in big quantities.
According to the Census Bureau Americans household are spending their money mostly in these resection economy in things like groceries, clothing, transportation, housing, health care and other items.
For example in some cities like in the Northeast New york, Pennsylvania, Boston people spent more money on shelter around $ 10.500 to 15.000. On the contrary in the South Houston, Dallas Forth-Worth where people spend less in shelter around $ 9.500 to $ 10.000.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Everything is On Sale...

America is known as the most powerful country in the world by its military army, government system, freedom, leadership and also the economy. Yes yes the American dollars
US economy is having its worse moment after the great depression in 1930 families are losing theirs houses returning to rent (interrupting their most value treasure The American Dream) the level of unemployment is its highest levels never seen also parents killing their families because they don't have the economy support to bring food to their homes.
However, in some parts of the country while some people are rationing their money some ones are spending more than ever, ignoring that America is having a economy recession.
According to the consumer expenditure survey from the bureau of labor statistics a household spent on apparel:
apparel men and boys $ 435, women and girls $ 749, apparel children under two $ 93 and footwear $ 327.
This added up to $ 1604 per year, the average household has 2.5 people which means that $ 641 is spent per person on shoes and cloths.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Less Money for an IMac

Apple recently has launched the new re-design for IMac (all in one) and Mac book laptop including a handful of updates peripherals and the inovating multitouch mouse.

The big changes for the IMac are in its material instead aluminum and poly-carbon the new models come in aluminum and edge to edge glass taking a similar look as Apple's line Macbook Pro laptops. Its size will be 21.5 in and 27 in with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The prices for these newborns vary between $ 1.199 (21.5 in) and $ 1.699 (27 in). However Apple will offer a step-up models for each screen size at $1.499 (21.5 in) and $1.999 (27 in).

For the Mac Book also some changes have been made, even when the 13 in MacBook remains the same price the big change is that bring a new unibody chassis which means that the battery is no longer removable. As a part of Apple's new invention is the wireless Magic mouse, this innovation has the ability to work as a pad on Apple's laptops.

However, costumers would think that these new gagets will not help the economy but is incorrect Apple keeps a low margin sub $1000 market in laptops.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More stress Worse is the Job

When I was a child I always dreamed being a cop, teacher, singer, athlete or maybe somebody important. However to be somebody definitely you need to go to university I suppose or you can play the lotto and if you re lucky can be millionaire instantly if you wins it.
However, what if I want to be a medical surgeon and I want that people call me Doc or Doctor. That would be great but I don't think that I'll go for that, just to think that in my hands are people's live, that a mistake that I do cant send this people to the other side. And even the pay is to good around $ 230.000 starting.
I don't think that i would be a surgeon No for the money nor for the name. I think that to be a surgeon, president or someone in a high position he/she should know that the pressure is also high and that a mistake cant cost the life itself.

Now Hiring ?

Bad news New Jersey, the rate of unemployment has reach 9.8 on September 2009 according to the State Labor department .
The private sector has lost around 12,000 jobs from august to September, also public sector has been affected it lost 700.
This increase hasn't seen since 1977 when New Jersey had a collapse in the economy
Governor Jon Corzine who is up for re-election in November has propose a "Return to Work" program which pays employers up to $ 2,400 for new employees hired and the job must pay $ 15 per hour.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev, Sen Robert Menendez D-NJ, Sen Orrin G Hatch R- Utah
are the politics to work in a new legislation that bring a solution for America as a result of the automobile crisis.
They introduced the "New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act"
One of the main points is to reduce the independence of foreign oil and urban pollution, the objective is to accelerate the production and use of natural gas fueled vehicles and stimulate the economy.

More Miles per pound

After Ups and Downs with the price of oil during the beginning of the new millennium, that brought us as a result the War on Terror in my "personal Opinion", the invasion of Iraq and more troops going to the middle east. I have understood that America is one of the countries that depend its economy based in oil,petroleum,gasoline. However, America like in other countries that depend on oil have started to develop new technologies to be more independent of it, like the car industry which has been suffered a lot in the recent recession.

Big companies like GM, Ford and Chrysler have had to cut personnel and as a result of this crisis, simply because people are buying cheaper cars. However, Honda and GM have started to develop new technologies to save money for the costumers and be more independent of the use of gasoline in their cars. They have beginning to built NGV Cars (natural gas vehicles). In America there are more than 130.000 NGV mostly buses, but the idea is to spread to the general public.

This NGV cars comparing to the gasoline base cars are more efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership also Compressed Natural gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

From the grill to the Steam

Some people might not know that the 16.3% of energy in the State of New Jersey comes from coal and is cheaper than any other natural resource.
In addition, the Garden State is the 9th highest electricity prices in the nation.
It looks like New Jersey is getting the energy from wrong sources instead to get it from the cheapest, most natural and efficient.
Let's not forget this facts: coal accounts for half of the electricity use in the US, using coal to generate electricity is less than a 1/3 of the cost of other fuels, America has more than 200 years of available coal reserves.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Tough Decision

On Oct 1st president Obama will go to Denmark to lobby the International Olympic Committee on benefit of Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

Chicago has a hard and difficult opportunity to get the seat to be the headquarters of 2016 Olympic games because good competitors are behind this seat too. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Madrid (Spain) and Tokyo (Japan) are the cities that are fighting for these privilege.

However, Rio de Janeiro is favorite city to get this seat over Chicago. The result of the votes of the IOC will be announce this Friday at 12:30 pm Eastern time.

Paz Sin Fronteras - Peace without frontiers

Juanes and twenty more artists made history playing in Cuba in front of more than a million people in the Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana. Juanes got recognition because his series of free concerts called Paz sin Fronteras" where he and many other artists perform in countries where is an armed conflict or where there is no democracy like in Cuba.
These concerts have no political purposes, they only want give a moment of joy and happiness to the people.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Last Wednesday finally had the opportunity to see one the biggest band alive and my favorite. It was amazing how for two hours U2 played with no problem even when I heard that they had some minor issues with the guitar. One of the things that I liked most was the lights set they used and also the multimedia. Which was playing videos simultaneously with the band performing and everything was project it to a huge screens that formed a square in 360 degrees, so everybody could see them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fighting poverty with music

Since the fall of the rock music in 2000 in my opinion because of the new electric sound and other changes musically speaking. There are two bands that still have kept making good music and not forgetting their roots, even when each band have years playing. U2 and Pearl Jam have kept that sound which make them still rocking in the industry, U2 have sold over 145 million albums worldwide and PJ 30 million. I know there is a big gap in which band make more sales, however; what make them big is their work for the humanity around the world. Both bands have fought against poverty donating part of their profit in concerts and give to countries in need.

This is what it makes U2 and PJ my two favorites bands, no only for their music but also because of what they outside the roles of stars.

Chris Hez

Last Saturday my friend Chris and his band were invited to play in my church in Elizabeth, because they were touring since June until now all over Union county and Middlesex county. The Saturday concert, was the last show in their tour and was good because I live in Elizabeth so i didn't have to go far away to see them because this church is pretty close to my house.

Chris and his band played around 15 to 17 songs, with help of animated projections so people can sing the songs, i could saw that some people got emotional because of the songs and i guess it was good for their spirit. at the end of the concert when they finished play, people congratulate them and took some pics with the band.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Stuffed Roled Beef

Last Thursday when I was in my night class, I couldn't wait to get home to eat I was starving in the middle of the class, I was wishing to end it as soon as possible, so I could go home and eat.

But why? what is so amazing about the food i was going to eat, well is the way is cook, it takes a long time to prepare this food to be specific more than a hour to cook on the stove, and its taste is so good.

Ok finally I got home after school and sat down to eat, next time I'll try to eat before go to class

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday class

today class was not bad, the only problem was the computer asked me for my password like 10 times
the rest of the class was pretty good